Our Staff

Ian Borsuk - Executive Director

Prior to his current role, Ian was our Climate Campaign Coordinator, and is passionate about advocating for a resilient and adaptable Hamilton in the face of a changing global climate through good municipal policy on transit, green infrastructure, and more. Ian is deeply invested in empowering others to engage with local governance. He can also be found wearing other hats organising and taking action beyond his work at EH on issues of environmental, economic, and social justice.

Email: [email protected]


Adeola Egbeyemi - Project Coordinator

A recent graduate of the ArtSci program at McMaster, Adeola brings an intersectional and creative youth perspective to EH. Since her 2022 summer internship, she has been assisting key projects such as Stack watching, Friendly Streets and Trees Please. She produces the new Environment Hamilton podcast and is spearheading a municipal fossil-fuel non-proliferation project. She is deeply grateful for the work she has been able to do with EH and the community around it.

Email: [email protected]