AT RISK - The Future of Ontario's Conservation Authorities
Ontario's Conservation Authorities (CAs) play a critical role in protecting natural areas and controlling development in floodplains and ravine systems - a role that is becoming that much more essential in light of the climate crisis.
The Ontario government has put out a survey seeking public input on the role that CAs should play. There is fear that the role of conservation authorities may be drastically weakened, with some even fearing that the province may eliminate CAs altogether.
Please join Environment Hamilton & Hamilton Naturalists' Club for an important workshop session where we will walk you through the provincial survey and provide advice and direction on making informed responses to the survey questions.
We will be hosting two workshops - each lasting one hour - on Tuesday, March 10th.
- Workshop 1 - 5pm
- Workshop 2 - 7pm.
Both sessions will be held at the Environment Hamilton Office - located at 22 Wilson Street in downtown Hamilton.
*Please note that the EH office is not accessible. If you have accessibility issues and you would like to prepare a response to the survey, please contact Lynda at EH at (905) 549-0900 or via email at [email protected] and we will make arrangements for information sharing and support that is convenient for you.

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