Welcome PARRT members!
Thank you so much for your interest in working with us to track and comment on planning applications. Collectively, we know we can work together to ensure that the City of Hamilton evolves into a more climate resilient, inclusive community as our urban area grows over time.
We will use this page to share useful resources and the links to our Committee of Adjustment and Planning Committee application tracking charts.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the Planning Committee
CLICK HEREto access the rules for delegating at the Planning Committee
CLICK HERE to learn more about the Committee of Adjustment.
CLICK HERE to access the Committee of Adjustment Applications Tracking Chart
CLICK HERE to access a sample submission from EH on several SDU applications for variances.
Written Submissions
Members of the public who would like to participate in a Committee of Adjustment meeting are able to provide comments in writing or via email in advance of the meeting. Comments can be submitted by emailing [email protected] or by mailing the Committee of Adjustment, City of Hamilton, 71 Main Street West, 5 th Floor, Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 4Y5. Comments must be received by noon two days before the Hearing. Comments can also be placed in the drop box which is located at the back of the 1st Floor of City Hall, 71 Main Street West. All comments received by noon two business days before the meeting will be forwarded to the Committee members.
Oral Submissions During the Virtual Meeting
Members of the public are also able to provide oral comments regarding Committee of Adjustment Hearing items by participating through Webex via computer or phone. Participation in this format requires pre-registration in advance. Interested members of the public must register by noon the day before the hearing.
To register to participate by Webex either via computer or phone, please contact Committee of Adjustment staff by email [email protected] or by phone at 905-546-2424 ext. 4221. The following information is required to register: Committee of Adjustment file number that you wish to speak to, name and address of the person wishing to speak. A separate registration for each person wishing to speak is required. Upon registering for a meeting, members of the public will be emailed a link for the Webex meeting. The link must not be shared with others as it is unique to the registrant.
All members of the public who register will be contacted by Committee Staff to confirm details of the registration prior to the Hearing and provide an overview of the public participation process.
We hope this is of assistance and if you need clarification or have any questions, please email [email protected] or by phone at 905-546-2424 ext. 4221.
Note: Webex (video) participation requires either a compatible computer or smartphone and an application (app/program) must be downloaded by the interested party in order to participate. It is the interested party’s responsibility to ensure that their device is compatible and operating correctly prior to the Hearing.
CLICK HERE to acccess the City of Hamilton's 'Site Plan Guidelines'
CLICK HERE to access the residential zoning by-law for Second Dwelling Units (SDUs)
Source: City of Hamilton
Parking requirements are proving to be a major issue where approval of second dwelling units is concerned. In a sizeable area of the lower City of Hamilton, no additional parking spaces are required for a property where an SDU(s) is being added. We believe that these rules should be expanded to cover more, if not all, of urban Hamilton in order to facilitate the creation of more SDUs - especially given that we are in a housing crisis.
This map shows the geographic area of the city where this rule applies: